Movement education for your body
Whether you are fit and active, mostly sedentary, disabled with chronic pain, or a professional athlete, you can benefit from FlexAware®.
FlexAware® movements are pleasant. There’s no equipment. You can do it anywhere and anytime: on the floor, sitting or standing at your desk, or even walking down the street. FlexAware® is a sustainable approach to fitness.
In 2011, I became the first instructor outside of the USA trained to teach FlexAware® and FlexAware® Pilates sessions.
FlexAware® is a new approach to fitness and exercise that uses effective gentle movements that feel good. It’s for people of all ages and all health conditions. The techniques are grounded in science, including current neuroscience. Based on the way young children naturally learn and move, the emphasis is on movement education.
All of my fitness and wellbeing classes show the below benefits, but independent studies show FlexAware® can achieve them even with just a few minutes a week:
- Relieve pain
- Recover from stress
- Be more alert and focused
- Improve breathing, posture, and walking
- Increase flexibility, strength, stamina, and vitality
- Enhance skills in sports, dance, yoga, and other activities
I teach:
- Pay-as-you-go classes
- Private one-to-one sessions
- Occasional FlexAware® workshops (on request)
- FlexAware® informed Pilates
Find a class near you on the Schedules & Venues page.
For more information about FlexAware® visit their website
For further information, if you are not sure which class is the most suitable for you, or to register for a class please get in touch at:
I’ve gained so much knowledge from Miranda over the past eight years and made some lovely friends at her classes. Miranda has taught us how to breathe properly. Miranda’s classes are my safe haven of learning and relaxation.
Frances, Flexaware
Fitness Classes
Stretch, tone and connect your mind, body and spirit. Gain body awareness and control.
Effective gentle movements that feel good for people of all ages and all health conditions.
fitness-and-wellbeing stand-to-strength
Stand to Strength
Stand to Strength is for those who do not want to do a floor-based class, but want the same benefits.
Saturday morning workshops with a choice of Pilates, Yin Yoga or Colour Analysis.